Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm stumped.

I've already moved on from yesterday's rant, and I'm feeling much better.  The only raincloud that lingered was the excessive number of "designer dogs" in day camp today.  Here you can see both cockapoos playing a quick round of king of the hill on our wall of snow...

So, in my much better state of mind I decided to finally get around to ordering new ID tags for the dogs.  I found through another blog, and since finding their hilarious taglines, I've been dreaming of making some for Parker and Skye.  But now that I'm actually ready to order them (thank you, tax return), I can't think of a darn thing!

So I need your help with the brainstorming process.  Let's start with Parker.  I'm thinking something about a rabid bunny in a dog's body... or a white, fluffy, little monster that's trying to secretly take over the world...

Fear me.
And then Skye... I don't even know where to start.  "I think my tail is a foreign object following me everywhere..." 
"When I dream, the rabbits are chasing me..."
"I don't even work out"
"If it's food, I can help"

Really, the possibilities are endless.  So I'm open to any and all ideas.  Maybe something will come to me in my sleep.  Most likely, that "something" will be a combination of Skye's snoring, woofing, and kicking in the bed next to me. 

I thought about adding a picture of Skye that captures some of her many special qualities, but instead I'll give you a few more from camp today.  It was an amazing 53 degrees outside, so we got to spend the whole day out in the sun.  Our snow mountain is from all the snow that fell off the roof last week, and the dogs made the most of their fun new toy.  River and Skye, once again, played like perfect little devils all day long, and I'm a proud momma.

There was some tackling...
Some sneak attacks...
Plenty of tag...
A play bow or two...
And even the inclusion of a new pal!
To celebrate, I've just signed up for the next round of agility classes with Ms. Skye.  I'm sure there will be lots of hilarious stories in our future, but for now we'll say goodnight!


  1. Woo have fun at your agility classes!


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