Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday Pet Blogger Hop- Dizzy Skye

She can go around and around all day!

This used to be what Skye did when she saw a leash, or the toothbrush, or Frontline, or... pretty much anything she didn't like.  Now, she only does this when she sees her Easywalk harness (which she hates) or when we play this game.  I found that putting the behavior on a cue helped reduce its occurrence at random.  Now, Skye will go out to the yard, turn, and stare at me when she wants to play.  If I stop, stare, and say "what are you going?" in a gruff voice, she goes bananas!

So here's to going bananas, and the Saturday Pet Blogger hop!  Don't forget, send in your hilarious pet pictures to for a chance to be featured on the new "True Story Tuesday" tradition!


  1. I had a foster dog that did the same exact thing. So cute!

  2. Wish I had her energy! We've hopped over to say hello and signed on as your newest followers. Hope you can stop by and visit at Critter Alley!


  3. We call that the butt-tucking crazies around here. Its always fun when the dogs take off for a session of it, and you can tell Skye is loving it.

  4. Mesa HATES her easywalk harness


  5. Say no to easy walk harnesses
    Benny & Lily
