Saturday, July 23, 2011

Skye Meets Vick - Saturday Pet Blogger Hop

Sorry again for the poor photo quality.  With the insane heat outside, we've been shutting all the blinds and hiding in the shade, which means my sad little camera needs to use its blinding flash to take a picture of anything.  But it's worth it to have evidence of Skye's first interaction with her Michael Vick toy!

I think my favorite part is that his head squishes!

Actually, I think that was Skye's favorite part too!

Unlike Vick, Skye showed a little mercy and gave him a break after this.

Ah, sweet justice.  Vick is still rich, spoiled, and living the easy life despite his crimes.  But at least I can own a miniaturized version of him for my pit bull to chew on!

Happy Saturday!


  1. Oh, the photo quality is just perfect. Get 'em, Skye!

  2. Hello deres Miss Jenny, Skye and Parker!

    So nice of you to stop by my bloggy and stay fur a while! I luvs to makes new furiends and I just know dat we is gonna have lots-o-fun together!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Hehehe...dat is a fun toy!

  3. pull, pull, torture, rip it off..oops....we got outta control for a minute
    Benny & Lily

  4. Kill him ;)

