Friday, July 13, 2012

A New Direction

Recently, my life has been moving in a new direction.  It isn't a bad thing, but it isn't exactly what I had imagined.  Owning your own dog training business is... well... a lot.  Especially for someone who went to school for animal behavior and knows zippo about business.

I found a bug.

Recently, after over two years of hard work and marketing for dummies, Friends Again Dog Training has a name for itself.  My clients refer me to friends and family, the rescues I volunteer for send people my way- it's great!

When I graduated from school I wanted to find a place to live and create my business.  I wanted to foster dogs like it was my job and make a difference and world peace and all that. 

While I have a good amount of training clients, most of my business is actually in dog sitting, walking, and daycare.  It means a lot of driving, a horribly dirty car, and tons of fun.  Currently Scooter is sitting next to my head, Parker is on my lap, Pez is at my feet, Skye/Sadie/Izzy are on the floor, Hannah is next to my Mom, and Ridley is in the crate.  I walked 7 of them off leash at the park today. 

That kind of crazy is only fun for so long.

So my apologies for a lack of activity at the blog.  We are definitely still doing dog stuff all the time- it's just that my work follows me home and pants in my face if I'm sitting on the couch.

Pez has a few hopeful matches lining up.  Like with Sinatra, he is a great dog.  I could see him staying forever with very little effort on my part.  He's still pretty insecure with new situations and occasionally pushes his luck with the off leash privileges, but gosh if I don't love his pointy little face.  But a third dog is limiting in so many ways.  So he will find a great home somewhere else and make his future owners very happy.  I'm just not sure how to break it to Skye that her heated blanket isn't sticking around forever....


  1. That sounds like my life, except it's Paul trying to eat the papers I'm grading as I'm grading them. Ear scratches to all!

  2. It sounds to me like all your hard work is really paying off!

    Stop on by for a visit

  3. I believe we're called to do good and meaningful work. it sounds like you have arrived there. Congratulations!

    And you've crafted and interesting and fulfilling life. It sounds like a 3 ring circus... but interesting and fulfilling. :)

  4. Dog walkie ladies are very very busy. You know why? Because everybody wants their doggies walked at the same time. For sure. Like when I was younger and momma had to hire a dog walker because nobody was home she was all like "you need to come between 10-2 or it isn't going to work" and I bet all the other doggies wanted her to come at that time too.

    But it is so happy that you are doing what you love. That's what life is all about.


  5. As someone who swears to only ever have one dog in the house (but magically has three -- if only temporarily) I can't imagine how you do it! Interacting with so many dogs -- most of whom aren't easy -- would really wear on a person. Blog when you can, we'll wait!

  6. Very glad to hear your business is doing well and you are happy with how you spend your days. You're sure making lots of furkids happy! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  7. Good for you! I wish my work had to do with my dogs since I live and breathe dog...instead I have a phone job in a call center. I don't know how much farther away from my passion I could get at this point!

  8. Your site looks great! I can't imagine walking 7 dogs off leash.......... :)
