Monday, December 12, 2011

Raw Diet Ho!

I mentioned in an earlier post   that I was thinking about switching Skye to a raw diet for a number of reasons.  Well, I finally did it!  About 2 weeks ago I introduced raw into Skye's diet as one of her two meals each day. 

After a few days of Bravo's Turkey Grind and no tummy trouble, I made the leap and started giving her raw chicken at night.  It was pretty funny at first, since Skye was genuinely confused about how to eat the chicken.  It took a few meals, but her technique has improved in time.

I have also been putting Missing Link into her turkey grind as a supplement, though I honestly don't think I need it.  After only a week on the raw diet, her skin and coat have dramatically improved.  Her baldiness is almost gone on her head, she isn't itchy, and her body condition is fantastic- plus her poop is beautiful! 


Dull coat, bald head, ear scabs, rash on legs


Baldy head!

Then today, Sinatra came by for a play date and to show off our amazing H.L. Whitingham Collars.  Can you see the difference?

Shiny fur, smooth skin

No more baldy spot!!

Now Parker is starting on the raw food as well.  I haven't wanted to branch out all that much on the type of meat, because the grind breakfast and chicken dinner has worked so well.  I'm still working out the kinks when it comes to storage and thawing, but I'm learning all the time.  Thanks everybody who threw in their 2 cents- you were so much help! 

As a reward, here are some more pictures of the pups hanging out today!


  1. Wow!! I can see a huge difference already! I so hope that we will be able to feed raw someday, but we just can't do it financially now :( The pics are adorable. I have yet to get all 3 of ours to sit still & actually look in the direction of the camera.

  2. Sounds like you've really found something that works!

    Stop on by for a visit

  3. That's awesome! You can definitely see the difference ... so glad it's working out for you. Tucker & Phoebe are enjoying their evening meal of pork tails right now ... they are glad, too!

  4. Hooray, I'm so glad it's helping. You know I'm a big raw fan!

  5. Congrats on putting in the effort to make the change!

  6. Awesome, glad they are doing so good on raw! I love the way raw helps my dogs, and while I don't believe it will fix all problems (like some people would like to make you think), I do think it can make a huge difference for a lot of dogs. I'm guessing you are of the same opinion, given the evidence before you!

  7. I can already see the difference in that shiny fur! Both my pups do far better on raw than anything else. Don't be afraid of new meats! Variety is the spice of life, right? And the more variety, the more nutritionally complete the diet will be :0)You have very luck pups!

  8. Wow! Those are some pawsome super fast pawsitive results! Wahoo! Hurray for Raw! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  9. Very impressive! Would love to try that but not so sure about the cost...

  10. Wow you are inspiring me! I want to switch Knox to raw so bad!... the space is such an issue. Where do you feed skye her chicken breast? Do you have a deep freezer? I'm going to go find your older posts when you were thinking about raw before!

  11. Are you making your own raw? We do a pre-made raw from the pet store, which can be pricey, so we are interested in other options. We've also been doing goat's milk with their meals which is supposed to be amazing for them.

  12. great news, so glad the raw made a difference. Skye looks fab!!!
